45-90 minutes in length
Money Boss Introduction
This is a 90-minute introduction into the Money Boss program. We will spend time discovering and understanding what is important to you and your financial wellness. This program will give you an insight into the Money Boss program and provide you with a starting point to begin your financial wellness journey.
Artistic Expression of Letting Go
This workshop is a great way to let go. We will work with acrylic paints and explore our creativity with intention. You will leave this program with your own artistic creation!
Wellness by Design Introduction
Are you taking the time to take care of yourself? Are you putting others needs in front of your own? Do you have time for self-care? This workshop is about learning new skills to support you on your self-care journey.
Sunset Journaling
What is journaling? For most of us it is about reporting data. This is only one form of journaling. In this workshop we explore 5 different types of journaling and the benefits of journaling. There is no right or wrong way to journaling. This is in a supportive and relaxing environment at sunset.
Kitchen Detox
This workshop will help you bring your kitchen environment into alignment with your health and wellness goals. You will learn how to understand a nutrition label, purge unhealthy items, and arrange your kitchen in a way that is supportive of your health and wellness goals.
Vision Board/Box
Clarifying your vision and putting it to paper with pictures, quotes, and purpose.